

Votre serviteur interviewé par iPhoneWorld

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Dennis, le webmaster d’iPhoneWorld, l’un des tous meilleurs sites internationaux
dédiés à l’iPhone a eu l’excellente idée d’interviewer les webmasters
de sites iPhone du monde entier
. Ainsi, 6 webmasters : un
(Apple Gazette), un allemand (iPhone
Weblog), un portugais (iPhone portugal), un
(iPhone countdown), un russe (iPhone news) et
votre serviteur pour la France, ont répondu aux même questions
sur l’iPhone et l’accueil qui devrait lui être réservé dans nos pays

Les interviews seront publiées en plusieurs fois, les deux questions du jour
sont : "What are your thoughts on Apple iPhone? Will it hit the mark or
miss it?" et "What are the best iPhone features, according to you? Where does
it best currently available devices of similar class? ".
Je n’ai pas eu trop de mal à répondre notamment grâce aux sondages qui tournent chaque semaine sur
le site
et donnent une bonne idée des attentes du public

Voici la réponse, en anglais (désolé) :

Q: What are your thoughts on Apple iPhone? Will it hit the mark or miss

A: The iPhone is not just another Phone coming to the market. First it is
delivered by Apple, featuring as usual an incredible hardware design and
revolutionary software on top of it. If you add the fact that with an iPhone
you can throw away your current iPod and your phone, and also get a real full
screen video player, and enjoy some real innovations like the motion sensor and
the multi touch screen, I really think it is a killer new device. To be honest,
I don’t really see the iPhone as a phone, but more as a multi tasking device,
with a phone built in for more convenience, and today, we have far too many
devices in our pockets — let’s get rid of them with one cool device. Apple may
have built the ideal multi purpose device and if the first version is not all
that we’ve expected it to be (better digital camera resolution, GPS included,
3G), I’m sure that, like the iPod evolution proved, the next iPhone versions
will be deadly cool. My major concern remain the lack of third party software
support, this could be a major block on the road to success.

Q: What are the best iPhone features, according to you? Where does it
best currently available devices of similar class?

A: According to me, the best iPhone features are definitely the new kind of
touch screen (multi-touch), the software interface, and the form factor and
general design. What is interesting is that it’s also the feedback from French
customers. Indeed, I currently run a poll on, posing almost the
same question to French speaking visitors: “what is according to you the best
feature offered by the iPhone?”. Even if the poll is not closed yet, with
already more than 200 answers, I can say that the most popular features are:
sensitive multi-touch screen at 39 %, graphical interface and software at 31 %,
and hardware look of the iPhone for 19 % of my visitors. Other features like
video player, memory capacity and widgets account for less than 5 % of the
answers! - App officielle - App officielle
Par : Keleops AG
4.4 / 5
613 avis

fondateur du site. Ingénieur en Informatique et spécialiste d'Internet ou il a occupé divers postes à responsabilité, Laurent est passionné de mobilité depuis l'arrivée des "PDA" dans les années 90. Journaliste pendant 4 ans pour le magazine Team Palmtops (Posse Presse) et auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur l'iPad aux éditions Pearson.

Nos sites : 01net | Journal du Geek | Presse-citron
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