Next iPhone to be launched no later than early May 2010 ?
The well known French magazine Challenge trough the
writtings of its editor in Chief announced today
in this article that, according to mobile operators
sources, the next generation of the iPhone, the
Fourth, will arrive no later than May 2010.
If confirmed, this will be a change compared to the
iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS both released end of
June / early July of previous years.
This is the second rumour in a row today coming from France after
the second in command for France Telecom announcing that the
iTablet from Apple is a reality and that it will integrate a
webcam and e able to communicate through 3G
see it here..
Here are some extracts and translations for our english readers :
- Title of the article : "Apple va lancer un nouvel iPhone en mai" aka.
"Apple to launch a new iPhone in May"
- Header : "Il s’agit de la quatrième mouture en trois ans du célèbre
smartphone lancé le 29 juin 2007 aux Etats-Unis. Un moyen de contrer
l’offensive de Google." aka "It will be the fourth version of the well
known smartphone launch on the 29th of June 2007. A way to counter the Google
- Extract : "APPLE lancera, au début du mois de mai 2010, une nouvelle
version de son iPhone, a-t-on appris auprès de plusieurs opérateurs de
téléphonie mobile" aka ""Apple will launch, in early may 2010, a new
version of its iPhone, as we heard from some mobile
operators.". - App officielle
Par : Keleops AG